Wednesday, March 30, 2016


Me in the background enjoying my sausage
I had 3rd it taste nice. 

Me and Ezra tubing
We are having so much fun tubing in the river.Me Ezra and Beau went on the clay slide after.

My highlight was at Weka camp as soon as we got to Weka we set up the hinake.Then we hoped (hopped) in bed.We were  having so much fun talking and laughing at night and stay up all night and we made a signal called hill when Miss Hill came we pretended to be a sleep and when she leaves we talk again. We went to sleep at 12.00 am and ended up awake at 4.00 am.Then Miss Hill told us to go back asleep  then we talked for a another 2 hours.laughing then we woke up the another cabin. We hoped (hopped) out of how beds and went toilet.

The next morning we went tubing in the river twice heaps of people said it was fun.But I did not go because it was to cold.Well me Max Lachy and Te Au were roasting launchen (luncheon) and bread.It taste burnt and yuck. We pack up our gear and went back to Omatua it was fun as running along the bouncy bridge.I am not afraid of highs (heights) to me I thought it was 100 meters tall.

I traveled with Eden to Onekawa pools. We were the  first one there me and Ryan got dress(dressed) fast. We tried to hop in the pool but then Eden said boys came back in a expression (expressive) voice.First we went in the deep pool doing dives and pins.I sprinted from Ryan and went with Jack into the spa me Alex Ngahere went on the hydra slide. Me Ngahere Alex made a train and hold on each other hand and Ngahere clasp on to Alex.I had a nice sausages on bread with sauce.I had 3rd it taste nice.

I really enjoyed going down the water slide because I was closer and closer to the record but I had so much fun.

Something that challenged me was doing the fear factor and tubing because I hate tubing and Mrs H told me had to go once.Fear factor challenge me because eating all the yuck things and had  to guess what it was.   

What was that yuck thing?

Thursday, March 10, 2016


Nathan escaped Mums clutches.
Clutches means grabbing something and holding it

More  Grasp
When i was playing cricket i clutched the cricket ball out in the air
Image result for catching a cricket ball hurts

‘’Sit, tiny!’’’ he commanded.

From Dirty Bertie
Commanded means when you tell someone what to do.
Tell, charge,order
"Do it" I commanded.
Image result for Sit tiny he commanded

I am learning to understand new vocabulary why because we can understand vocabulary when we read. 
Something what challenged me was to learn synonyms about my vocabulary.
I really enjoyed sharing (with) you about my new vocabulary.
Next time I could use that vocabulary in my writing. 

Shake Iii





